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Cover The Real Deal
Post-Fossil Construction for Game Changers
  • Ruby Press
  • Englisch
  • 240 Seiten
  • ca. 60 Abbildungen
  • 120 x 200 mm
  • ISBN: 978-3-944074-50-4

«Ursprünglich für Entscheiderinnen und Entscheider entwickelt, eignet sich <The Real Deal> für alle, die einen Zugang zum Bauen mit erneuerbaren Materialien suchen.»

TEC21, Heft 6/2024

« damit ein auf Sichtbarkeit bedachtes Lesebuch im inhaltlichen Zeitschriftenformat.

Es ist handlich und lässt sich prima in der S-Bahn schmökern...Dafür ist es ein sehr empfehlenswertes Buch.»

nbau, 15. November 2023

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Das Projekt

«Es ist machbar!»

Bauen mit regenerativen Materialien: RISIKEN ÜBERNEHMEN
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Die Baubranche hat einen grossen Anteil an der Klimakrise. Die nächsten Jahre sind entscheidend. Den grossen Hebel zur Bauwende haben die Entscheider*innen bei Entwickelnden, Bauherrschaften, Finanzierenden und in der Politik in der Hand.


Wir müssen diese Menschen aktivieren!

Die Bauwende klopft laut an jede Tür: Die Decisionmaker der Bau- und Immobilienbranche können zum Pionier werden. Es schlummert ein Riesenpotenzial, um einerseits einen relevanten Beitrag zur Kehrtwende im Klimanotstand zu leisten und andererseits im Zuge der Digitalisierung neue Geschäftsfelder zu entdecken.

Mit vielen verschiedenen, kurzen und knackigen Interviews und Fachbeiträgen unterschiedlichster Akteure, visuell klar aufbereiteten Fakten und fotografisch dokumentierten Bauten von hoher Qualität widerlegen wir Vorurteile, berichten von Geschichten des Gelingens und verdeutlichen das Potenzial von regenerativen Materialien und Konstruktionen. So ermutigen, injizieren viele verschiedene Impulse  zum radikalen Umbau der Branche, Gesellschaft sowie von uns selbst und inspirieren die Entscheider*innen und zeigen: Es ist machbar — und hat Potenzial!

Diese konkreten Geschichten des Gelingens inspirieren zu frischen Gedanken, Innovationswillen und Transformationsideen für das nächste Team- oder Boardmeeting.

Inhalte des Projekts werden schrittweise auch für andere Kanäle bereitgestellt. In Vorbereitung sind Audiobook, Videobeiträge, Veranstaltungen und niederschwellige Weiterbildungsangebote .

Christof Ziegert / ZRS Ingenieure GmbH
Friederike Kluge / alma maki gmbh & FHNW
Patrick Suter / Erne AG Holzbau
Kerstin Müller / Zirkular GmbH & HSLU
Johannes Eisenhut / SENN Development AG
Cover The Real Deal

«The mind is our limit!»


Die Beteiligten


«Das zur Verfügung stehende Zeitfenster ist verdammt eng und wir müssen sehr viel dafür tun, dass wir jetzt noch rechtzeitig das Steuer herumreißen.»

Cover The Real Deal
Autorinnen & Autoren:
Cristina Schaffner
Cristina Schaffner has been the director of the Bauenschweiz umbrella organization since 2020. She worked for the furrerhugi agency for ten years and holds a master's degree in International Affairs and Governance from the University of St. Gallen.
Guillaume Habert
Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert graduated in 1999 from the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris, with a degree in earth, atmospheric and oceanic studies. In 2004, he completed his PhD in Toulouse on structural geology and explored how specific clays and pozzolans can be used as a cement substitute. He then held a postdoctoral position at the Federal University of Paraíba. From 2007 to 2012 he conducted research at the Laboratoire central des ponts et chaussées in Paris. He has held the Chair of Sustainable Construction and is an associate professor at ETH Zurich since August 2012.
Graeme Maxton
Graeme Maxton is a leading climate change economist and former Secretary General of the Club of Rome. He is the author, or co-author, of seven books on climate change, economics and the automotive industry, and published in more than 20 languages. A trenchant critic of modern economic thinking, he has written numerous articles in international news media and academic publications. He is also an advisory board member at the UNDP on the UN's Energy Pathways Project, as well as with Population Matters, and is a member of the Balaton Group. He was previously Regional Director of the Economist Group in Asia and is currently based at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich.
Ernst Rauch
Ernst Rauch, a geophysicist by profession, joined Munich Re in 1988. Throughout his career, he has worked on risk management related to natural hazards and climate change. Ernst's expertise ranges from climate mitigation technologies to loss prevention and adaptation measures. His responsibilities include business development and asset management projects. In 2018, Ernst was appointed as Chief Climate and Geo Scientist. He is also a member of the senior executive management team.
Anne Wiese
Dr. Anne Wiese, Head of the Global Real Estate and Services division at Munich Re, is responsible for the global corporate portfolio. At the core of her function is the development of corporate real estate in alignment with global targets and local requirements. She is an experienced leader with in-depth knowledge across all areas of real estate and corporate services, nationally and internationally. Her professional career spans more than 20 years of consulting and delivering on location strategies and real estate projects in the private and public sector.
Marion Trapp
Marion Trapp, Environmental manager of Global Real Estate and Services at Munich Re, is an experienced sustainability strategist, with over 10 years of experience in multinational corporations and academia. Marion combines profound ESG proficiency with general management expertise and corporate strategy skills. She is an expert in the area of non-financial reporting and the development of corporate sustainability strategies and communication.
Katrin Wohlwend
Katrin Wohlwend is an ethnologist, having studied at the universities of Cologne, Tomsk and Zurich, and has worked in communications in the non-profit sector and as a project manager in international cooperations. She has been working at the Alternative Bank Switzerland since 2018, initially in corporate communications, and since July 2022 as a project manager in the Sustainability Unit.
Jacqueline Pauli
Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Pauli studied civil engineering at EPFL in Lausanne and ETH Zurich and received her doctorate from the chair of Prof. Dr. Fontana in 2012. She has worked as a civil engineer at ZPF Ingenieure since 2013 and has headed ZPF Consulting AG in Zurich since 2020. In December 2022, she was appointed Professor of Structural Design at the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich.
Nico Ros
Nico Ros, a trained carpenter, graduated in civil engineering from the FHNW in 2004 and in economics from the University of Fribourg in 2007. He has been working as a civil engineer at ZPF Ingenieure since 2003 and has been a member of the executive board since 2009. Among other things, he is responsible for structural design and ecology. He was also a lecturer in structural engineering at the Institute of Architecture at the FHNW, from 2009 to 2019, and has been on the board of SIA Basel since 2022.
Katja Fiebrandt
Katja Fiebrandt studied architecture at the FH Regensburg, Germany. After working for Herzog & de Meuron and Burckhardt+Partner in Basel, she has been responsible for communication and marketing at ZPF since 2016. 
Roger Boltshauser
Roger Boltshauser founded Boltshauser Architekten AG in Zurich in 1996, after graduating from ETH Zurich in 1995. From 2016 to 2017 he was a visiting professor at EPFL in Lausanne and from 2017 to 2018 a visiting professor at the TU Munich, since then he has been teaching and researching at ETH Zurich.
Annatina Menn
Dr. Annatina Menn is a lawyer for the creative industries, who has been advising and litigating for the construction and real estate industries for many years. She specializes in intellectual property and contract law and is a partner in the law firm Zweierstrasse Rechtsanwälte in Zurich. She is also a member of various organizations in the field of art, film and the circular economy.
Christof Ziegert
Prof. Dr. Christof Ziegert completed an apprenticeship as a bricklayer and worked as a craftsman, before studying civil engineering at the TH Leipzig and completing his doctorate at the TU Berlin. He is co-founder of ZRS Architekten Ingenieure and an expert on damage in earthen construction, a board member of the Dachverband Lehm and chairman of the earthen building standards committee at DIN. He is an honorary professor for earthen building at the FH Potsdam since 2012 and co-author of the standard work on earth building Lehmbau-Praxis.
Beat Aeberhard
Beat Aeberhard is the cantonal architect for Basel-Stadt and Head of the Urban Planning & Architecture department since 2015, which comprises the Spatial Planning, Urban Planning, Urban Space, Structural Engineering, Building Management and Cantonal Monument Preservation departments. Previously, he was the city architect for the city of Zug for six years. From 2005 he ran his own architectural practice in Zurich and taught at ETH Zurich. He studied architecture at the EPFL in Lausanne and ETH Zurich, as well as urban design at Columbia University in New York where he graduated with distinction.
Manuel Ehlers
Manuel Ehlers is an industrial engineer specializing in sustainable construction. As Head of Sustainable Property for Triodos Bank in Germany, he finances participatory social projects, studio houses, young cooperative housing projects and projects with social sponsors. Here, climate goals are harmoniously combined with an emphasis on the common good.
Arnaud Evrard
Dr. Arnaud Evrard graduated in architecture and subsequently earned a doctorate in engineering at the Université catholique de Louvain, where he was then a visiting professor and head of the research group Architecture and Climate. He worked at Lehm Ton Erde in Schlins, and he is now the head of the CAS modules in regenerative materials at ETH Zurich and a lecturer at the ArchitekturWerkstatt St. Gallen.
Paul Lynch
Paul Lynch is director of EcoCocon Nordic Oy, CEO of SustainaBuild Oy and Pajupuhdistamo Oy in Finland. His experiences as a builder and project manager at his previous firm The Natural Building Company, as well as an English teacher, allowed him to build up EcoCocon’s sales market in 27 countries and set up the EcoCocon learning academy to help onboard and upskill new partners.
Jörg Habenberger
Dr. Jörg Habenberger received his doctorate in civil engineering and taught at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. There, and at ETH Zurich as a postdoc in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, he devoted himself to the effects of earthquakes on infrastructure facilities. After working as a structural engineer in various engineering firms, he founded the engineering firm SEFORB together with Alexandre Fauchère in 2019.
Marloes Fischer
Marloes Fischer is the founder and CEO of the Circular Hub, a knowledge and networking platform for the circular economy in Switzerland, and a member of the board of Madaster Switzerland. As an expert in transformation, she seeks to identify ways to improve social, ecological and economic conditions for people, the environment and the economy. For her, circularity is the logical step for making companies future-proof.
Fabian Hörmann
Fabian Hörmann is an architect and musician. After working in film, advertising research and architecture, he was an associate and member of the management team at EM2N, from 2009 to 2022. In 2023 he founded YR22, and he has been a member of the architectural group Krokodil since 2008 and Countdown 2030 since 2020. In 2021 he passed the CAS in Regenerative Materials at ETH Zurich, and he helds an interim professorship at HFT Stuttgart since fall 2023. His interests range from urban planning to collective forms of housing to regenerative transformation.


Johannes Eisenhut
Dr. Johne Eisenhut was a professional snowboarder for 10 years. He studied linguistics, German and journalism at the University of Fribourg and completed a doctorate in cognitive linguistics (DPhil). From 1995 he was Head of Marketing Europe at Burton Snowboards, before becoming co-founder and Managing Partner of the advertising and corporate design agency /DEPARTMENT United Creative Forces (now FCB Zurich) in 2001. Since 2015 he has been Managing Partner of Senn Development AG and a member of the Executive Board, as well as co-founder of the X27 Expo initiative of Made in Zurich and Made in St. Gallen.

Martin Schriener
Martin Schriener graduated in architecture at Bauhaus University Weimar. After working for architectural firms in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, he was project manager at EM2N Architekten from 2007 to 2016. He completed a Master of Advanced Studies in Real Estate (CUREM) at the University of Zurich, before working in real estate project development at Senn Development AG in 2017. He has been at Pensimo Management AG since 2020, currently as Deputy Head of Development, and also completed a CAS in Urban Management (CUREM) at the University of Zurich in 2022.

Annette Aumann
Architect Annette Aumann is a member of the management team at the Building Department of the City of Zurich, where she heads the area of specialist expertise in sustainability. As an expert for sustainable building, she is a lecturer and frequent speaker at international conferences and a board member of various advisory committees.

Olivier Krumm
Olivier Krumm is an architect and representative for the Equilibre cooperative. He graduated from the Grenoble School of Architecture in 2008 and completed a post-master's degree in raw earth construction at the CRATerre laboratory. He has worked for atba architectural firm in Geneva, before becoming an independent architect in 2013.

Ernst Gugler
Ernst Gugler is a trained screen printer, a committed environmentalist in the 1980s who worked his way into a management position. He later took over a small print shop, fulfilling his desire to work according to his own ideas and values. As the company grew, he built a new factory and production site out of compressed earth, wood, glass and hypocausts—way ahead of its time in the early 2000s. The company developed the world's first cradle-to-cradle certified print product in 2011, a process soon adopted by various media agencies. He has earned numerous awards for his work, and today sensemaking for other companies complements his activities.

Felix Hilgert
Felix Hilgert studied civil engineering at ETH Zurich, where his research focused on how excavation material could be used as a new building resource for Zurich. Since 2017, Hilgert has been working with Boltshauser Architekten AG, Zurich, and has been a research assistant for the Roger Boltshauser guest lectureship at ETH Zurich since 2018. In 2019, together with Lukas Baumann, he founded LEHMAG AG , a construction company for sustainable building with earthen excavation material.

Pirmin Jung
Pirmin Jung trained as a carpenter and studied timber engineering in Biel. In 1996 he founded his own engineering company, which is now actively shaping timber construction in Switzerland and Germany with around 120 employees. As president of Lignum Holzwirtschaft Zentralschweiz, he is also committed to strengthening the entire timber value chain.

Patrick Suter
Patrick Suter is a trained carpenter, civil engineer and managing director of Erne Holzbau, part of the Erne Group—with over 100 years of experience in the construction industry. The company acts as a total provider and develops project-specific solutions with great customer proximity. The experience gained from a high degree of prefabrication in the timber construction plant, regional material resources and digital transformation in the planning and construction industry currently form a good basis for investing in and combining renewable materials.
Kerstin Müller
Prof. Kerstin Müller is an architect. After many years working as an architect in Austria and Canada, she helped develop exemplary reuse projects at baubüro in situ from 2013 on and was a member of the management team. Since 2020, she has been managing director of Zirkular, which provides specialist planning for reuse and circularity. She advocates for common good housing, is on the climate advisory board of the city of Lörrach and was a visiting professor at the KIT in Karlsruhe in 2022/23. As of 2023, she is co-developing and co-leading the CAS Circular Building in Switzerland.
Friederike Kluge​
Prof. Friederike Kluge founded the architecture firm Alma Maki Architektur in 2014, together with Meik Rehrmann.  She was Professor of Design and Construction at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz from 2019 to 2022, and since 2022 she has been a professor at the FHNW Muttenz. Friederike Kluge is co-founder of the group Countdown 2030, which campaigns for a sustainable building culture.


Herausgeber: Fabian Hörmann, YR22, Zürich

Verlag: Ilka Ruby, RUBY PRESS, Berlin

Gestaltung: Stefan Lucut

Illustrationen: Stefan Lucut

Film Lead: Alan Sahin, Zürich

Sparring Partner: Dr. Arnaud Evrard, ETHZ, Chair of Sustainable Construction

Kommunikation: Maren Fliegner, Nadine Friedel, e.a.


Dieses Projekt wird realisiert mit Unterstützung des

Bundesamts für Umwelt (BAFU) und des

Bundesamts für Kultur (BAK).


Dieses Vorhaben ist nur Dank grosszügiger finanzieller Unterstützung möglich.

Wir danken allen bisherigen Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützern:

Eidgenössisch Technische Hochschule Zürich, D-BAUG, Chair of Sustainable Construction
Stadt Zürich, Amt für Hochbauten
Senn Development AG

Erne AG Holzbau

BSA, Bund Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten, Sektion ZAGG

BSA, Bund Schweizer Architektinnen und Architekten, Zentralverband

YR22 GmbH
Pensimo Management AG
Pirmin Jung Schweiz AG

Wir freuen sehr uns über das erfolgreiche Crowdfunding! Herzlichen Dank an alle Unterstützer*innen!



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Cover The Real Deal

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